Select your perfect package
Per day 100000 Email Sending
Per Month 3 Million Email Sending
20 IPv6 Dedicated IP
IP Auto-rotation Supported
Interspire/Mailwizz App Include
SPF, DKIM, DMARC Configured
rDNS & MX Configured
SMTP Credentials Provide
100% Uptime Based Server
Unlimited Premium Support
Ensure delivery to Gmail & Comcast
IPv6 Email Server Setup Fee $40
Per day 2500000 Email Sending
Per Month 7.5 Million Email Sending
45 IPv6 Dedicated IP
IP Auto-rotation Supported
Interspire/Mailwizz App Include
SPF, DKIM, DMARC Configured
rDNS & MX Configured
SMTP Credentials Provide
100% Uptime Based Server
Unlimited Premium Support
Ensure delivery to Gmail & Comcast
IPv6 Email Server Setup Fee $50
Per day 500000 Email Sending
Per Month 15 Million Email Sending
70 IPv6 Dedicated IP
IP Auto-rotation Supported
Interspire/Mailwizz App Include
SPF, DKIM, DMARC Configured
rDNS & MX Configured
SMTP Credentials Provide
100% Uptime Based Server
Unlimited Premium Support
Ensure delivery to Gmail & Comcast
IPv6 Email Server Setup Fee $50
Per day 10000000 Email Sending
Per Month 30 Million Email Sending
100 IPv6 Dedicated IP
IP Auto-rotation Supported
Interspire/Mailwizz App Include
SPF, DKIM, DMARC Configured
rDNS & MX Configured
SMTP Credentials Provide
100% Uptime Based Server
Unlimited Premium Support
Ensure delivery to Gmail & Comcast
IPv6 Email Server Setup Fee $50